i found a new burrito restaurant
when i studied abroad in france for the entire last month of my time there i wrote a poem every day and posted it on facebook. there’s a particular moment in the arc of those poems where i meet leah, and then suddenly all my poems are about being in love. i have often found it funny to reflect on my relationship with leah because i love her so much and it’s so easy to love her. i find it difficult to remember how or if things changed in my feelings towards her because my current feelings are very overwhelming. it’s been 6 years now. and when i hear her voice i can feel my heart rate lowering.
i have not done a good job of looking for a job recently. i kind of stopped looking for most of april because i wanted to develop my skillset some more. i finalized developing a website, bought a domain for it, learned to containerize python applications in docker, learned to use terraform to deploy containers to AWS, learned to use AWS to host a site, learned a bit about EKS, ECR, Fargate, some other shit. i sat down and worked through a few tutorials on make and gcc as well which i found to be really compelling.
i have been doing a really good job at work lately as well. i finished working on a couple scripts that have been implemented to very visible success, and i developed a series of modules which have been adopted as my team’s standard for future development. i removed the need for a significant amount of boilerplate code while simultaneously improving the security of our code base, our servers, and our database.
yesterday i received a pretty large development task and today i was able to reach a working version of it. so that’s pretty sick.
hopefully i’ll be able to find a new job by the end of the summer. i want to buy leah a house so it is of the utmost importance.
leah and i are going to spain this summer. for a few days in july we’ll be in pamplona with my brother and my dad where i will do the running with the bulls. then, assuming i don’t experience life changing injuries, leah and i will go to malaga for a few days, and then barcelona.
i’ve been listening to a lot of latin, afrobeat, jazz, spoken word, funk, and soul music lately, so that’s the playlist for today. i made this playlist for my friend Moon who has been struggling with enjoying new and old music. hopefully you all like it as well!
for moon!
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4bUgvWbrZGITRLWyNyqyYixLFTq9OZgJ
mega: https://mega.nz/folder/WVFTzTrD#o-6xKslofYHAPk0LKGAhyw